Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011: the First New Year of the “Chies”

At the age of seven months old Buchie and Chuchie welcomed 2011 on the last Friday evening and had spent Christmas in our household with their family. It’s just sad that Chuckie wasn’t there to celebrate with us; 2011 supposed to be his second New Year—but that was the only tear-inducing part of the celebration—the rest is all about fun, fun, fun.

Early that day, the Aspin family for the first time took a bath one after the other. Usually my sister and I divide them into two groups: first is scheduled for a certain day, second the following day. Later I bragged to my parents that they are all looking and smelling good, enough for them to stay inside the house as 2011 is about to come.

Morcon always served in Christmas and New Year’s Day
Yummy Morcon not to be missed in Media Noche!
Since Christmas we allow them to indulge on what our family managed to prepare for the occasion. They had their favorites: pansit, popcorn from Goldilocks (only for them) and mocha cake. (The black forest is strictly for human consumption no matter how pitiful they look at us as we eat, especially the chocolate chips with gusto.) Buchie and Chuchie discovered another favorite of their family—the luscious, sweet, meaty, Morcon which Pino managed to have more because he patiently sat beside us as we eat. May be he was more like guarding the food and would stop us before we devour it all.

afraid pooch hiding under a chair
Kermit under her fortress—sofa.
We were having fun until such time the deafening sound of firecrackers started. We humans can smile as we gaze in the fireworks coloring the sky, but to animals its sound is nothing but a menace. This issue made me worried because I don’t know yet how Buchie and Chuchie will adapt. Will they be like Pino who remains calm and sleepy or be like IC who trembles, crouch under the sofa? Fortunately, though they are much closed to their mom, they emulate their courageous dad in dealing with the pesky noise-and-air pollution-in-one. Kermit, on the other hand, found shelter and security under the sofa, yet going out occasionally if she thinks treats are up for grab.

When 2011 arrived, I didn’t urge them to jump because I don’t believe in the superstition that you’ll be taller by jumping in New Year’s Eve; besides if it’s true I don’t want them to grow anymore. Their current height is ideal—we like them just the way they are.

calm puppy in New Year’s Eve of 2011
Chuchie not minding the stressful sound of firecrackers.
The first four days was over. For the rest of the year there will be many changes. I’ll try to impose the old-yet-hard-to-do New Year’s resolution to IC—losing weight by dieting and exercise. I’ll regularly watch dog TV and practice what I’ve learned including the dog tricks—I’ll patiently teach them. (I do appreciate them doing the “sit” when told to but I know they can do better than that.)

Overall, I wish them to be healthy. The “Chies” and Kermit occasionally have lack of appetite. But a change or giving one of their favorites—is the best, quick remedy. Their parents, though getting older, are fit. And for this blog I’ll try to have its make over done at the end of the month.

Much to do in 2011: New Year’s resolution to make or break and more blogging. May Aspin gains more respect. May Filipino dogs make the higher leap in the Year of the Rabbit.



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