Friday, November 19, 2010

A Delivery Comes With a Bonus

Packed in a sealed plastic, the AIR21 courier hand over the packaged my sister and I have been expecting. Typically when I receive something wrapped like a gift or package I would shake and guess the content several times before opening, but in this case, mystery was stripped off—I need not do my old habits. It contained dog deworming tablets for Chie and the rest of Aspin family rather should I say for the intestinal worms whose days are numbered inside their hosts’ intestines.

pet dewormer purchased online

On a second thought, I could have had a guessing game because the dewormer (specifically Zipyran) comes with something that can make Chuchie excited and stand up on her hind feet—free, bone-shaped treats! We are not expecting such gift from the online purchase, but I still believe that some things in life are free. Yehey! Even the worms will love it too, if they still make it after the assault of dog deworming tablets.

bone-shaped treats for dog
Fair share of goodies: 1 for each 5 Aspins
The content is revealed but I’m sure you’re asking where it came from. A flashback prior to the delivery is what we need. The mastermind of eliminating the parasites is my sister who found ways to earn online and eventually tried buying on the Internet. She ordered Zipyran in Pet-tastic, an online shop for dogs here in the Philippines.

“Give me, give me!”

It is the second time she bought from Pet-tastic. The good customer service and fast delivery makes her a somewhat regular customer that is perhaps the reason why yummy treats (according to Chuchie) were included or maybe because it’s an early Christmas gift. Either way our pooches wouldn’t say no for treats, and I as well, especially if it’s free. Pets wouldn’t care about the cost of their meal; on the contrary, owners are very much concerned so any dog food that has a discount or complimentary would help no matter how little.

As of now, they already had dog worm treatment Two weeks later there will be another bout between Zipyran and remaining parasites so as to eradicate the population of the latter.

If I would let Chuchie end this post she would say, “Good-bye squiggly worms. Thanks Pet-tastic!” and “Yum, yum, yum!”

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